Black people need to learn their place!...
...and it ain't in the Republican Party!
At least that's what Ted Rall thinks. I know it's saying a lot, but I think the following phrase from his blog may just be the most patently offensive thing he's ever written (emphasis mine):
Alan Keyes, Fascist [subtlety never was his strong point -- BNJ]So "black Republican" (if there's anything sillier than that oxymoron, I have yet to hear it) Alan Keyes is running for Senate.
Get it? Your political philosophy is determined by the amount of melanin in your skin. Who knew?
It's offensive enough to suggest that economic status should determine party affiliation (you've probably heard some variant of this too: "Why do all those moronic lower-income people in the red states continue to vote against their own economic interests?"). This, however, is beyond the pale.