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Why Bush won

Here it is in a nutshell. The American people resent being told how to think and how to vote. In particular,

We resent being told how to think by aging rock stars who make millions off a 9/11 exploitation album and then criticize the president for "politicizing" the event.

We resent being told how to think by creepy, Garrison Keillor-eyed Hungarian billionaires.

For that matter, we resent being told how to think by Garrison Keillor.

We resent being told how to think by unfunny, foul-mouthed black comediennes with fake Jewish names.

We resent being told how to think by unfunny, foul-mouthed Korean comediennes who resemble mongoloid manatees.

We resent being told how to think by overrated, self-important, blowhard, propagandizing lardass filmmakers.

We resent being told how to think by crumpet-eating readers of British newspapers.

And we especially resent being told how to think by the goddamn Dixie Chicks and Jon Bon Fucking Jovi!

We resent being lectured by sanctimonious prigs who tell us, "This is the most important election of our lifetimes!" when they really mean, "Vote against the Texas Death Monkey, or you're a mouth-breathing, toothless, goat-raping redneck!"

We resent being told "Vote or Die!" by inconsequential hip-hop jerkoffs, when what they really mean is, "Vote for John F. Kerry or you're a knuckle-dragging, Birchite Jesus Freak!"

When we voted on November 2, we pulled the lever for George W. Bush, but what we really meant was, "Fuck you!"

Now I don't mean to imply that my entire purpose in voting was to be a gadfly. On the issues, I tend to agree with Bush more often than with Kerry, but not overwhelmingly so -- call it 60-40. But in a normal year, I'd probably vote Libertarian. The last time I voted for a Republican for president was in 1988, and even then I came to regret it. This year, however, the arrogance, elitism, and hysteria of the "Anybody but Bush" crowd pushed me into the arms of the GOP. I'd say that my future vote is up for grabs for whichever party makes a greater effort to champion individual liberties, but you know what? With 47% of the country now saying that 52% of the country is stupid, just because they don't vote exactly the way they do, I could make the Republican Party my new political foster home for a long, long time.


Good reading..

I posted something my brother thought on "Why kerry lost"


Absolutely brilliant, Barry!

You might add that we don't need the MSM to define matters of importance (Abu Ghraib, Bush's TANG record, losing 384 tons of munitions) and what is not (Swiftee charges, Kerry's 20 year record in the Senate).

When we voted on November 2, we pulled the lever for George W. Bush, but what we really meant was, "Fuck you!"


Actually cynics are not right 9 out of ten times - they're pandering for sympathy 9 out of 10 times.
When they're wrong, they become callow.


Yup, sums up the reasons this registered Democrat ( from the bowels of NYC, no less) voted for Bu$hitler! Anyone think my soon to be ex -party plans to learn any lessons from this campaign?

Add me to the list of Libertarians who voted straight ticket Republican this year. And yes, it was a big FUCK YOU to Michael Moore, the MSM, and the coastal elitists. Feels good to stick it up their asses. I'll continue on w/the Republicans until the Left learns honesty and civility. I won't be holding my breath.

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