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Condi vote count

Via K-Lo: The final vote was 85-13, with Senators Kerry, Byrd, Boxer, Dayton, Jeffords, Kennedy, Harkin, Reed, Durbin, Lautenberg, Levin and Bayh voting "nay." By my count, that's leaving someone out (nope, not Hillary, she voted "aye.") I'm not sure who's missing; the roll call hasn't shown up on senate.gov yet.

As far as the spectacle of Byrd voting no even when her confirmation was never seriously in doubt, well, there's been enough said about it that my $0.02 would be redundant. I'm just still astonished.

UPDATE: The missing no vote was Akaka (HI).

UPDATE: Power Line also has a piece on how the Democratic votes are starting to line up against Gonzales.


Does that mean you're going to take back the thing about Kerry voting no before voting yes?

K, that wasn't a prediction. I just posed the question. But yes, the record will reflect that he remained consistent. :-)

Damn, should have tried to get you to bet cash about Kerry changing his vote. :o)

Tami, it would've been worth a try, but I'm not sure I'd have taken the bet anyway. Maybe if you gave me 3-to-1 odds. :-)

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