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Gonzales and toture

Look, just to be clear, I do not endorse the torture of battlefield detainees as a matter of policy, and I never have. Go back and read my posts from when the Abu Ghraib story broke and see for yourselves what I had to say.

On the matter of Alberto Gonzales, my point is this: I have challenged a number of administration critics to provide me with specific quotes from the White House Counsel that's got everyone's panties all wadded. Guess what? So far I've come up empty. In my own internet searches, I have found no smoking gun in which Gonzales approved of the use of torture, either explicitly or tacitly. I have found numerous instances, on the other hand, where he has expressly rejected such tactics.

So in defending Gonzales, I am not defending torture. But the offer's still open. If anyone out there can show me anything from Gonzales' paper trail that condones torture, I'll immediately join your side. Until then, I will continue to support Gonzales.