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I thought these things only happened in red states.


Well, Pennsylvania is also the state that continues to send Rick Santorum (I will never be able to think of that name without going ick after reading http://slate.msn.com/id/2112150/?GT1=5985, and I didn't really need help in associating that name with ickiness before, so thanks a lot, Slate) to the Senate, so maybe PA isn't so much blue as magenta?

We've got stupid people in every state apparently. Will the administrator be reading a statement before Geography class disputing the theory that the Earth is round? We'll offer a flat earth society alternative. How about snowflakes? They're pretty complex - God must be pretty busy designing them since each one is unique.
But the class I'm really waiting for is alchemy. Screw chemistry - you want me to believe that were' made up of particles? Hey show me how to turn lead into gold - what do you mean it's impossible? Harry Potter did it. Why can't we make all the schools like Hogworth's?
Then in twenty years when the next generation doesn't understand any science we can abdicate our position at top of the global food chain in favor of a nation that believes what they can see, not what makes them feel better.

My, my!

Pennsylvania seems to have touched a nerve among our liberal compatriots, Barry.

Perhaps they might like to comment on the revisionism performed on US history texts which has been chronicled to me by a close friend (and former-liberal Democrat) who teaches same in upstate NY.

As one who has a minor in US history, I was stunned at how stealthily they have revised the subject matter to serve their own agendas.

Where was the outrage when all this was happening?

Deal with it, folks. The liberal free lunch on educating our kids is coming to an end.

You know what they say about Pennsylvania, don't you? "You got Pittsburgh on one end, Philadelphia on the other, and Alabama in between." {The first person I heard say this was George Stephanopoulis.}

And for Sunday Schools, they are going to require the same disclaimer "Gaps exist in the theory for which there is no evidence", for the Bible, right?

Hey, Mal? To what are you referring? I was really kinda kidding, btw, I would never wish magenta on anyone. ;-)

Off topic, but I just saw Lonestar for the first time and there's an exchange in it between two women about adding to the history taught at their school to be more inclusive and complete? And one woman says something along the lines of "well, that's gotta stop, right now!" Totally butchered the line, but that was the gist. But I guess that's not what you mean?

Tracy, that's no lie about Pennsylvania. We spent 3 weeks in rural PA this summer, and at times I thought I was back in South Carolina. :-) We had a terrific time, though.

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