I'm glad he's okay and all
But seriously? How do you not realize you've got a fricken nail in your biscuit?
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But seriously? How do you not realize you've got a fricken nail in your biscuit?
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» Fox Blocker from The Cliffs of Insanity
An $8.95 purchase to arrive at a result that can be reached through inaction. It's like buying a helmet to prevent injury from punching yourself in the head. [Read More]
» Fox Blocker from The Cliffs of Insanity
An $8.95 purchase to arrive at a result that can be reached through inaction. It's like buying a helmet to prevent injury from punching yourself in the head. [Read More]
OMGG. He really is the luckiest man ever to get a nail stuck in his brain. Which isn't saying a lot, but still...Holy crap!
Posted by: K | January 18, 2005 08:46 AM
Not to be cynical or anything...
I suspect a hoax. The X-ray you are showing is not a dental X-ray, as claimed by the accompanying story. Dental X-rays do not show the whole skull. No health insurance but suffers an obvious work-related accident? Hospital bills are between $80K and $100 K? Why can't an exact amount be learned for the story? No external bleeding on the chin?
I suppose it is possible, but it smells like a hoax.
Posted by: Insert-Name-Here | January 20, 2005 11:34 AM
er ultram
Posted by: er ultram | May 31, 2006 01:50 PM