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Please, please nominate this woman!

I didn't know this site existed until it linked to me. Granted, Senatrix Boxer has acquired a sort of rock star status in the moonbat community of late, but now it looks like we're seeing the beginnings of a grassroots "Boxer for President" movement. I think this is such a terrific idea that I've added this site to my permanent blogroll!

Together with Howard Dean's strong out-of-the-gate start in the race for DNC chairmanship, this leads me to believe an earlier prediction of mine is coming to pass -- that the Democrats will convince themselves that they lost in 2004 by being too "moderate."

Hell, this is just getting too easy! It's almost not even fun anymore.

UPDATE: Link fixed.


http://presidentboxer.blogspot.com/ link seems to be bad. I had to cut and paste.

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