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Things you have to believe as a liberal, #493

The average woman can be completely trusted with a life-or-death decision such as abortion, but cannot be trusted to manage 2% of her income for retirement.


Things you have to believe as a conservative, #493

The Government can be completely trusted with a life-or-death decision such as abortion, but cannot be trusted to manage 2% of an average woman's income for retirement.

Well, by your definition I am neither. I believe in trusting the woman in both cases. Do you?

Of course I do - but I was just countering the post. I also believe that SS is more than just a retirement program, it's an insurance program. There are also aspects of SS that pay for people with handicaps way before retirement age in some instances. If we were to go with a straight manage your own investment theory of SS it ignores these current functions of the program.

They have to be made up somewhere. Unless of course you want to eliminate them.

I'm with Barry on this one. The woman should be able to choose in both cases. In general I think people should be able to choose as much as possible in life, whether that be in the hospital birthing suite, the corporate boardroom, the pocketbook, or the bedroom.

I'm all for choice too - but there are many things in life we just don't get to choose. I don't get to choose how much I'm taxed, nor what my tax money is spent on. The most I can choose to do is protest by dropping out of the system - but you really can't even do that anymore. Maybe 150 years ago you could go off and live off the land, but nowadays if you do that you have to buy the land and pay property taxes.

My whole point is that social security is really not like an IRA, or a pension. Social Security is insurance so that you have the bare minimum to survive when you are old. It's also insurance for many who are less fortunate in society.

Some other examples of things I can't change are speed limits - unfortunately I have to obey them. I also can't choose what is healthy to eat. Now where choice is a possibility I fully support equal rights between men and women.

Z, everyone knows there are issues on which don't have a choice. That doesn't mean we have to like it, or that we can't work to change what we think is a bad situation.

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