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This just in

While you're out buying Ribbon Magnets, you can also pick up a six-pack or so of these gay bracelets.


I especially liked the part about how her father is now selling red ones for Bush voters.

I think I'll pass on the bracelets. But it gives me an idea: Near election time, we should just paint our entire bodies red or blue, then stand in a large pasture, and some of our imaging satellites could just tote up the red vs. blue score.

No more hanging chads, no more "disenfranchised" voters, no more expensive voting machines that don't work...

So why are they gay, again?

Katie, because they look like it. :-)

I mean "gay" as in "lame," BTW, not gay as in homosexual. This site continues to support gay rights, including gay marriage. ;-)

I was just kidding...
Really, I knew what you meant.

Love ya, Man.

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