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"Meet our demands, or GI Joe gets it!!"

They're kidding, right? This image looks faker than CBS's TANG memo to me, but some Islamist idiot is clearly hoping it can be used to extort the release of Iraqi prisoners.

Drudge has already noted the similarity between the "soldier's" plastic, stoic expression and the action figure below, but for me the giveaway is the gun. Who the hell is holding it, and how? Is someone gripping it carefully by the butt, without placing their hands on the stock or the trigger? If so, why? Wouldn't that be difficult to do? An M-16 with a C-Mag weighs about 15 pounds. Sorry guys, it looks for all the world like the tiny, plastic rifle from the action figure's accessory pack, held carefully between thumb and forefinger by someone just out of camera range. Nice try though.

But from a distance, does anyone else think the "soldier" looks a bit like Oliver Willis?

(Okay, you have to kind of squint a little.)

UPDATE: Backcountry Conservative has more.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference "Meet our demands, or GI Joe gets it!!":

» Website claiming GI capture appears to be hoax from Backcountry Conservative
AP Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants'... [Read More]

» Website claiming GI capture appears to be hoax from Backcountry Conservative
AP Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants'... [Read More]

» Website claiming GI capture appears to be hoax from Backcountry Conservative
AP Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants'... [Read More]

» Website claiming GI capture appears to be hoax from Backcountry Conservative
AP Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants'... [Read More]

» Website claiming GI capture appears to be hoax from Backcountry Conservative
AP Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants'... [Read More]

» Captured Soldier... or Toy Soldier? from Blogs for Bush
Drudge asks the question if the soldier claimed to be captured in Iraq is really a toy. You judge: The above animation shows the original photo of the alleged captured soldier, with the toy head superimposed at 25% on the... [Read More]

» Now, hear our demands! from GOP and the City
Iraqi militants have threatened to behead, what appears to be a toy soldier, if American troops do not release all Iraqi prisoners within 72 hours. [Read More]

» Captured Soldier... or Toy Soldier? from Blogs for Bush
Drudge asks the question if the soldier claimed to be captured in Iraq is really a toy. You judge: The above animation shows the original photo of the alleged captured soldier, with the toy head superimposed at 25% on the... [Read More]

» Terrorists Play With Toys from The Political Teen
This has been all around the blogosphere, MSM, and Drudge. Excellent image at Blogs for Bush: This just shows how desperate those terrorist fools are. I just want to know why they thought that we would be stupid enough to... [Read More]

» Captured Soldier... or Toy Soldier? from Blogs for Bush
Drudge asks the question if the soldier claimed to be captured in Iraq is really a toy. You judge: The above animation shows the original photo of the alleged captured soldier, with the toy head superimposed at 25% on the... [Read More]

» Terrorists Threaten to Behead US Soldier John Adam (Update: HOAX!!) from The Jawa Report
We will post video as soon as it becomes available. Reuters:A little-known Iraqi insurgent group said on Tuesday it was holding a U.S. soldier and threatened to kill him within 72 hours if Iraqi prisoners were not released, according to... [Read More]

» Holy Shit, they've Captured GI Joe! from ISOU
Oh the inhumanity of it! How dare they lay their grubby Islamofacist hands on a REAL AMERICAN HERO! Our prayers are with his lady in Malibu. Has anyone called Jessie Jackson yet? Others Following Jeff Q's Lead The Moderate Voice... [Read More]

» Holy Shit, they've Captured GI Joe! from ISOU
This is obviously an attempt by Right Wing Reactionaries to win the support of the weak stomached American People! Long Live the Revolution! Long live my Muslim Brothers in their Struggle Against American Imperialism! COBRA! Cobra Commander On Hearing... [Read More]

» Captured Soldier... or Toy Soldier? from Blogs for Bush
Drudge asks the question if the soldier claimed to be captured in Iraq is really a toy. You judge: The above animation shows the original photo of the alleged captured soldier, with the toy head superimposed at 25% on the... [Read More]



Is a life any less precious because it's plastic? Really. How insensitive of you!

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