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BA 0215 update

Annie Jacobsen has penned a piece about the strange events that took place on British Airways flight 0215 recently. It's the 7th installment in her ongoing "Terror in the Skies" series. Thanks to Annie for following up on this story.


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» Keep up with this one from Sophistpundit
Cynical Nation's BNJ has been pursuing a story that no one is talking about, involving the use of armed forces in a British flight. Who knows what happened on this flight? But one thing is for sure, it's good that this is being pursued. "... [Read More]


Very interesting, why all the secrecy?

BA is known for their extreme secrecy. I once flew with them, when a passenger behaved suspiciously (smoked in the bathroom and didn't obey the steward's order). I was sure that when we'll step down in NY our plane will be met by Federal agents, but not only didn't they do anything, but their UK office knocked the phone down when inquiring about it!

BA is known for their extreme secrecy. I once flew with them, when a passenger behaved suspiciously (smoked in the bathroom and didn't obey the steward's order). I was sure that when we'll step down in NY our plane will be met by Federal agents, but not only didn't they do anything, but their UK office knocked the phone down when inquiring about it!

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