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Brits on Galloway

Yes, George Galloway is a vile piece of human filth. It's a pity it took this tragedy for some to recognize it, but better late than never.

...Armed Forces minister Adam Ingram accused Mr Galloway of "dipping his poisonous tongue in a pool of blood".

Mr Galloway hit back by branding the minister a 'thug' but was called to order by the Deputy Speaker, Sylvia Heal.

While Mr Galloway went on to describe yesterday's attacks as "despicable", he faced a hail of criticism last night.

Senior Labour backbencher Stephen Pound said: "I thought George had sunk to the depths of sickness in the past but this exceeds anything he has done before.

"You would think an MP whose constituency borders on Aldgate East's first thoughts would have been with the victims of these horrific attacks and the emergency services. His few remaining friends will turn away in horror from this intervention."

Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell said: "I think this man is a disgrace to this country and he should not be in Parliament.

(Hat tip: John Hood)