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Virginia's Photoshop Phollies

When Democratic mayoral hopeful Virginia fields published a doctored photograph on a campaign flier, I didn't mention it here because I doubted there'd be much interest outside the NYC area. (Presumably the photo wasn't "diverse" enough, so two white people's heads were cut off and replaced by Asian heads. Digitally, of course.)

But now that I've seen the actual before and after photos, I have to ask... why do the Asians appear to be singing?


That's too funny. What a stupid ass.

It's a dumbass thing to do...especially after the campaign of NJ REPUBLICAN gubernatorial candidate Bret Schundler got nailed doing something similar by photoshopping him into a photograph of a Howard Dean rally.

I assume you were just as outraged about that? Or does the IOKIYAR rule apply?

I'm not outraged at all, actually. I just wondered why the Asians appeared to be singing.

BTW, were you just as outraged when Patrick Leahy outed covert agents as you are with Karl Rove? Or does your IOKIYAD rule apply? ;-)

What a weird thing to do.

And this helps explain last week's poll among NYC Dems which showed that Bloomberg has a higher approval rating among them than their own propective candidates.


Re: your comment, I think your not giving Bloomberg enough credit. I hadn't even heard of the photo thing before. I think those numbers have a lot more to do with Bloomberg than anyone or thing else.

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