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Our new ambassador should get busy

I hope John Bolton hurries to offer our thanks and sincere gratitude to the international community for its outpouring of help and offers of assistance in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Wait a minute, did I say "help?" I meant stern lectures about global warming. After all, with many thousands still fighting for their lives, there is no greater priority now than Monday morning quarterbacking, the proper assignment of blame, and scoring political points against your ideological foes, right?

This might be a helpful reminder going forward. All this crap about a "global brotherhood of nations" is often simply that -- crap. The more accurate picture of the international community is one of the United States as a vast pile of cash from which other nations feel entitled to demand largesse whenever it suits them. But make no mistake, it's a one-way street. We're there to serve them, not vice versa.

I'm not suggesting we turn our back when the world needs our help, but when we do help, let's have no illusions about what we're doing.

I should also point out that the exception which proves the rule is Israel.

UPDATE: Jill pointed it out in the comments section, but it merits mention up here. France and Germany are stepping up, and I suspect more will follow. Credit where credit is due. France, of course, has a particular connection to the region.

I also hear that Canada has offered assistance. I figured I might be deluged by these stories if I posted this piece, but I decided to go ahead and do it anyway. You know, it's kind of like how you can ensure rain by washing your car.


France and Germany have offered assistance.

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