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NORML for normal people

I don't smoke marijuana. I haven't smoked it for fifteen years, and I don't plan to smoke it ever again. In spite of this, I believe marijuana should be decriminalized for both medicinal and recreational use.

Consequently, I'm sometimes asked to join groups like NORML, or to sign one of their petitions or something. I guess I'm gutless, but I always politely decline. The truth is, I just don't want to be associated with these people.

I think groups like NORML have an image problem. People dismiss them as just a bunch of potheads who want to smoke up. I'll confess that I harbor this prejudice myself, and it's largely been borne out by my experience. I believe most of them are motivated more by self-interest than by liberty.

So I was wondering... is there a group out there like "Non-Users for the Reform of Marijuana Laws" (call it "NURML")? If not, perhaps there should be. They might be taken more seriously than the current champions of decriminalization.


is there a group out there like "Non-Users for the Reform of Marijuana Laws" (call it "NURML")?

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