John Edwards' funny blog
With all the recent controversy of late, I just had to go check out Johnny's blog yesterday. My favorite part was this piece on "The Inadequacy of the Current Minimum Wage." It's pretty much what you'd expect, except for the poll at the bottom of the page. It asks "What do you think the minimum wage ought to be?" You get 8 different choices, from "$15 or more per hour" to "There shouldn't be a minimum wage." The results made me lol.

I just saw that!
On a Democratic blog 46% of respondants said "There shouldn't be a minimum wage."
Amazing...and outstanding!
Posted by: JMK | February 9, 2007 05:31 PM
All Edwards, All the Time. Are you on the payroll yet or are you still negotiating?
Posted by: PE | February 9, 2007 06:14 PM
I keep leaving "Elizabeth bait" all over the site, but she hasn't taken it yet.
Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough. Motherfucking Christofacist right-wing fucking Christ-humping fucktards!
How's that, Elizabeth? Do you need to see my resume, or do you just want to hire me on the spot?
(There. I'm as good as in.)
Posted by: BNJ | February 9, 2007 08:50 PM
Yeah JMK, we do agree on one thing, and that fact bears it out: America is completely fiscally conservative. We are probably more moderate socially.
Liberalism is dead. Only Bush and the other Neocon criminals have given it a last gasp.
Posted by: BaileyHankins | February 12, 2007 03:14 PM
I don't know BH, you're actually probably somewhat right on both scores, though there are certainly regional deviations - NYC still has a lot of dopes that support rent control even though it works working and poor people by rising average rents, while maintaining much below average rents for a few, generally wealthier and well-connected people.
Socially, I'm heartened that SIX states have now passed the death penalty for pedarists, 9 of 11 states reined in Eminent Domain, more than 2/3s of Americans oppose gay marriage, that even very BLUE Michigan defeated race/gender preferences by a 60/40 margin and that even a border state (AZ) just passed referendums that (1) make English the official state language, (2) denied state taxpayer funded social programs to illegal aliens, and (3)denied punitive damages to illegals in Civil suits.
I'm with those majorities on all those issues and just wish that those opposed would simply accept the will of the majority - especially when its 60% or over, like it is on all those issues.
If Liberalism isn't dead, it's such a self-destructive ideology that it never fails to shoot itself in both feet.
If I had any less actual hatred for the hard-Left, I could almost feel sorry for them.
Posted by: JMK | February 12, 2007 08:09 PM
Hmmmm...."NYC still has a lot of dopes that support rent control even though it works working and poor people by rising average rents..." SHOULD READ, "NYC still has a lot of dopes that support rent control even though it HURTS working and poor people by raising average rents..."
Posted by: JMK | February 13, 2007 10:53 AM