Taking blogs too seriously
Since I'm a blogger I can say it: The blogging community is full of self-absorbed, self-important navel-gazers. With all the Sturm und Drang in the blogosphere surrounding John Edwards' aborted experiment with campaign bloggers, you'd think the very edifice of Western civilization were on the verge of crumbling.
For frak's sake, people, it's just blogs we're talking about here! We're a small, insulated community, with an exaggerated sense of our own importance. No one but people like us even knows about this micro-scandal, much less cares.
To try to help put things in perspective, I'm going to enlist the aid of Ms. Megan Hott. (No seriously, that's her name.)

Megan, you see, made the local papers by winning a high school Voice of Democracy contest in Keyser, West Virginia. Congratulations to her and fellow winner Caitlin Dorsey.
Now let's zoom in on Megan's t-shirt, shall we?

Indeed, Megan. Thank you for the reminder.
(Hat tip to my friend Andy)
We're a small, insulated community, with an exaggerated sense of our own importance.
You mean we're really not important?
Well that sucks. ;-)
Posted by: CRB | February 14, 2007 01:53 PM
I am so bitching you out on my blog for writing this.
Posted by: Adam | February 14, 2007 06:43 PM
Great point...awesome t-shirt!
Posted by: JMK | February 14, 2007 07:15 PM
Yes..........very awesome t-shirt...
Posted by: fred | February 15, 2007 09:06 AM