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Thank God he's off the streets

I feel pretty safe in New York knowing the cops are not too busy to arrest a guy for selling a Barney costume.


"In November, an undercover investigator called Quevedo asking to buy a Bob the Builder costume. A meeting between both sides was set up in Kew Gardens - in front of the DA's office - and the hard-hat-wearing cartoon figure was handed over for $250 in cash, officials said."

"All along, Quevedo was under the impression his custom-made costume would be used in a pornographic film, authorities said." (NY Post)

Hmmm, "All along, Quevedo was under the impression his custom-made costume would be used in a pornographic film," I don't even know what the f*ck that's supposed to mean?!

Unless the NYPD has mind-readers on staff now.

But even if Quevedo WAS under the impression that his "knock-off" costumes were going to be used for "illicit purposes," the crime would be commitedd by the USERS of the costumes (the movie-makers) NOT the "wardrobe man."

I guess they do have him dead to rights on the copyright infringment charge though.

After reading this, I don't think I'll ever be able to look at my idle (Bob the Builder) the same way again - he's a master carpenter, electrician, plumber and heavy equipment operator, all in one...and now maybe an undercover cop too.

He was breaking the law, so he deserved nothing less than waterboarding until he gave up the names of everyone else involved in this crime, then a few years, or decades of confinement at Gitmo without being charged.

That would teach bastards like him not to go around breaking the law.

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