Obligatory Vick post
Robert Byrd may be a senile old fool, but I agree with everything that (I think) he says in his own befuddled, doddering way in the video below.
I happen to think that pit bulls are the most tragically and unfairly maligned creatures on the planet. Sure, some of them are monsters, because they have been made to be by the likes of Michael Vick. The real crime is what humans have done to pit bulls over the years, not the other way around. Speaking of pits, here's a recent picture of my wife with one of the vicious killers sitting on her lap.

It takes a particularly evil human to take a creature like that and wantonly turn it into a killer. Their efforts aren't always successful, of course. There are always the dogs which, no matter how much intentional abuse and cruelty they are subjected to, simply refuse to turn mean. Of these, the lucky ones are merely abandoned or neglected. The unlucky ones become bait.
I don't believe in the death penalty, but wouldn't it be a fitting punishment for dog fighters to spend a few hours in a cage, duking it out with 3 or 4 of their own creations? Their punishment would come at their own hands, at least indirectly. I imagine it could look something like this.
Less dog, more wife please.
Posted by: Will | August 28, 2007 12:44 PM
What a cute, goofy puppy! One of my favorite dogs is a pit bull/rottweiler mix. She is the sweetest dog. Pit bulls are sometimes called "nanny dogs" and if you've ever seen children mauling a pit bull, you know why.
Ugh, Vick. What a disgusting man.
Posted by: K | August 28, 2007 01:06 PM
I'm glad Vick was prosecuted for breaking the laws against dog-fighting (it's horrific spectacle), but PETA is so vile, so comtemptable, that I'm fervently hoping and looking forward to Vick's return to the NFL - hopefully no more than a year from now, after no more than a year's prison time, possibly even mostly probation and community service, with his NFL suspension running concurrent with that.
The thing that bothers me most is those misguided Vick defenders who inanely compare dog fighting to deer hunting, etc.
Seriously I wish there were a hunting season on PETA assholes.
That would be a hunting season I'd never miss.
Posted by: JMK | August 28, 2007 03:59 PM
I'm afraid that I must disagree. I believe that certain breeds are genetically predisposed to problems. Everyone knows a sweet natured pit bull, doberman,etc. but statistically your odds of being mauled by certain breeds are better. I have owned many dogs, purebreds and mutts. The only one I had real trouble with was a malemute who figured any small critter that crossed his path was dinner. He was forgiven for killing another dog, (a mistake). When he took out the neighbor's kitty, I had enough and put him down. The neighbor was pregnant, after all.
I have heard too many stories about the pit bull who never hurt a soul until the day he killed a child.
Posted by: Paul Moore | August 28, 2007 04:03 PM
Paul, that very well may be true and it's certainly true that after being trained for fighting like this, none of these dogs are fit to be pets (I believe all the dogs that survived in the Vick kennels had to be put down), BUT that doesn't make dog fighting any less hideous.
Now, I don't see it as a "five year offense," but it's certainly a barbaric act, regardless of the breeds used.
In fact, one of the things dog fighters routinely do is to take pet dogs off the street to use them as "practice" for their fighting dogs....the fighting dogs get their "practice" in by tearing the pets apart.
It's only that the PETA people are so vile that they make Vick look almost good by comparison.
These same sort of people want enemy combatants/terrorists treated as "criminals" complete with due process, privacy rights, the right to a trial in an American court, etc., while they sought to have Vick punished (suspended without pay) BEFORE he was convicted of any crime. His admission of guilt on Monday amounts to a conviction, his sentencing is set for December 10th.
These same people who didn't have the time to protest over one of the most vile racial killings ever (the Knoxville Murders of Chris Newsom and Channon Christian) SEE: http://workingclassconservative.blogspot.com/2007/02/horrific-knox-county-tn-double-murder.html have the time to demand that Michael Vick be "barred for life" from the NFL over what amounts to a "cultural crime" - a "red neck perversion" that's become popularized among some urban blacks and Hispanics.
Posted by: JMK | August 28, 2007 05:01 PM
The cutie on your wife's lap has the same face from the front as Rosie! (who is a black lab mix):)
Every time I hear Vick's name I become very angry. It's an anger that I don't feel ordinarily about anything else these days (which is a good thing ;) )
I agree, a few rounds with the vicious dogs that he made vicious sounds good to me, too.
And supposedly he has found God, now.
This prompted me to join the ASPCA , already a member of the HSUS, but just wanted to be able to do something of use (give money on a monthly basis)when time does not allow.
Posted by: Jane | August 28, 2007 09:16 PM
The cutie on your wife's lap has the same face from the front as Rosie! (who is a black lab mix):)
Every time I hear Vick's name I become very angry. It's an anger that I don't feel ordinarily about anything else these days (which is a good thing ;) )
I agree, a few rounds with the vicious dogs that he made vicious sounds good to me, too.
And supposedly he has found God, now.
This prompted me to join the ASPCA , already a member of the HSUS, but just wanted to be able to do something of use (give money on a monthly basis)when time does not allow.
Posted by: Jane | August 28, 2007 09:16 PM
>And supposedly he has found God, now.
Funny how that always happens, ain't it?
Posted by: BNJ | August 28, 2007 09:39 PM
I remember the neighbors next door were getting a fence put up. I was getting out of my car when this striped, no-tail "thing" was just sauntering up to me - spiked collar, open mouth - and panting at me like I was its best friend in the entire world.
I was petrified. I even thought it was alien.
Come to find out it was a striped pit bull. He was soo loving and friendly, he followed me to my door as if he did it all the time. I was able to get him back to his owner, the fence installer. You could tell this pit was well trained and loved from the owner's reaction.
Posted by: Rachel | August 29, 2007 12:45 AM
Any dog can be trained to behave in any way. It's all a matter of putting in the effort and time to instill the desired behavior.
PETA members are brain damaged, clueless losers lower on the food chain than the critters they're "protecting".
Eat a burger and get over it!
Barry, your wife looks more dangerous than the dog in that pic. NO offense to your wife!
Posted by: Dan O. | August 29, 2007 09:02 AM
Yeah, PETA are morons.
Posted by: BNJ | August 29, 2007 09:54 AM
A few thoughts.
PETA is about as radical a group as there is, albeit that will never see the light of day in the MSM.
My wife, who although conservative, hates politics and political discussion groups such as this, is a dog breeder and AKC shower - first with Dalmatians, later with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. She cannot understand why PETA tenets, such as no animal should be allowed to be kept as a pet, gets no play whatever in the MSM. She is innocent regarding how the MSM crafts messages and messengers (see Sheehan, Cindy).
Second, there is an 'elephant in the living room' regarding this issue that the MSM will not touch:
It is a blood sport participated in by virtually 100% minorities - blacks and Hispanics. Why that is, I honestly cannot say. Same with cock fighting.
So why is this factoid intentionally 'overlooked' by the MSM?
As the old Glen Miller lyrics said: "I know why and so do you!"
I was reminded of this recently when one of our Cavs slipped out the open front door, pushed out the storm door and proceeded to venture around our town of Mount Vernon (over 70% black). Long story short, Toby was picked up and given to the pet rescue home. When my wife went to claim him, she was told that dog fight participants use small dogs such as Toby for training bait for their pit bulls.
No dog is inherently evil nor are 'pit bulls' (a common misnomer usually applied to American Staffordshire Terriers but sometimes including bull terriers [think Spuds McKenzie]) an inherently vicious breed. However, the pressure in the jaws that an AMStaff can apply is genetically much higher than that of other breeds which makes them lethal weapons in the wrong hands.
Posted by: mal | August 29, 2007 10:54 PM