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Hillary, Obama and McCain

When I first read this theory about Hillary's "phone rings at 3 AM" commercial, I dismissed it as conspiratorial.

The Clinton campaign did not release that ad for the sake of Clinton 2008. It is to defeat Obama, for sure. But not now.

Hillary knows she's going down. They issued that ad because they want McCain to win. She thinks she can be a star in the Senate, leader of the Democratic party when he loses.

But the more I thought about it, the more plausible it sounded. It would free Hillary up to have another go in 2012, when McCain would be what, like 90? And even if she were to sit 2012 out, a McCain win would secure the Clintons' positions as party leaders for the foreseeable future.

The only part of it I really don't buy is that she's given up. This may be a plan B, but I think she'll fight for the nomination until the very last superdelegate has been threatened/cajoled/bribed. Not only that (and you can call me crazy) I still think it's possible that she'll bag both Texas and Ohio tonight. We'll see. Either way, it'll be a late night for those of us on the East Coast.


I hope some Republican grabs that commercial and re-dubs the sound track so at the end we hear Bill picking up the phone: "Hullo? No honey...I-I toldja never to call me at this number! What if Hillary were to pick up the phone? ...Of course I love you...but we gotta be careful."

If Hillary wins the nomination, I will have to seriously consider voting for McCain. Then again, why vote at all if it is between those two.

I'm so tired of the infighting I'm going to bed.I personally think any "change" - via McCain, Hillary or Obama - would be seen as an improvement. And I like McCain - he does not walk in lockstep with either side of the Reps, and that's what is upsetting them

Great analysis. You really have your finger on the pulse.

"Great analysis. You really have your finger on the pulse."

LOL. I am afraid that Barry reads too much of JMK-stories and starts sounding odd. Sorry Barry, but how can you believe staff like that?

Hillary is fighting to win. Both Obama and Hillary know that McCain is unelectable. The ongoing fight for the nomination is the actual fight for the presidency. It starts looking that Hillary will win at the end. Obama will have to decide whether he will go negative on Hillary or not. If he goes there will be game and the outcome is unpredictable. If not, Hillary will win the nomination and the presidency. As for McCain he should start looking for a retirement place in Florida or another warm place. He will be over 72 by November.

I'm really not sure if Hillary is electable. I personally don't like her. She panders to every crowd. She really does think that everyone is stupid. She was co-president (her own claim, saying her time in the White House gives her presidential experience) when Bill pushed and signed the horrible NAFTA treaty that began the destruction of the middle class that Chimp so embraced.

"As for McCain he should start looking for a retirement place in Florida or another warm place. He will be over 72 by November." (BW)

THAT'S exactly why Florida will almost certainly go to McCain....all those oldsters HATE it when people engage in "ageism," especially when you've got dozens of octogenarian CEOs doing great jobs the Corporate entities they run.

"She was co-president...when Bill pushed and signed the horrible NAFTA treaty that began the destruction of the middle class that Chimp so embraced." (Barely Hanging)

NAFTA, alone, has created over 16 MILLION American jobs since its inception!

So, that shows how dumb you are.

Free Trade isn't going away.

When workers in Mexico can build cars for less than half what it costs here in the USA, then it's "no longer economically feasable" to make cars in America.

Consumers gain from free trade because they can buy the best goods and services at the lowest prices. Manufacturers gain by having access to raw materials and goods that make them more competitive. The economy gains as a result of increased competition, which encourages innovation and technological development. Access is good

In short, free trade creates a more efficient and productive economy that grows more rapidly and generates greater prosperity for our people.


Free Trade has enriched America.

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