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I don't really think the whole "lipstick" story is a big deal, but this did make me lol.


McCain was talking about pigs with lipsticks referring to Hillary's plan.


The difference is that McCain is REALLY sexist. Voted against equal pay.

"The difference is that McCain is REALLY sexist. Voted against equal pay." (BW)

So did 90% of the Congress!

"equal Pay" is also known as "Comparable Worth" - which posits that "the market discriminates against women, by paying truck drivers more than secretarys, construction workers more than cashiers, etc.

That is the DUMBEST idea EVER to come down the pike...even Liberals can't out-DUMB that stinkburger.

If a secreatry is worth, say $60,000/year, typing away in a safe, comfortable office, yes, then a truck driver who does very dangerous work, with longer hours, less rest, and far more physical labor warrants far more pay.

That's how the market works - it rewards skills that are rare, difficult to master, or dangerous enough that not everybody wants to do them and rewards them more than other more mundane skills.

Liquid load truckers make more than HS math teachers for the very same reason.

Anyone who thinks "comparable worth" is a good idea is a complete idiot.....and you can tell her I told you so.

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