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This is cool!

Hey look, Joe the (Fake) Plumber's dog looks a lot like my Zora.

That's cute, but we should not let it detract from the larger point, which is that Joe the Plumber is a terrible person because he asked Obama a question that wasn't "How come you're so awesome?" That means, of course, that we have to investigate his licensure, his legal woes, his income, and everything else we can find and publicize it so as to make an example of what happens when to one of those bitter, clingy folks when they get "uppity."

Meanwhile, Ace has a Spartacus moment.


Wow.. can't wait to see Ace and his cast of thousands in Cinerama Tehnicolor!

That's our celebrity-obsessed culture--evberyone's famous for 15 minutes and gets their innards opened up, by both sides let's be fair--for another 15 minutes. Joey the Plumber will be gone from our conscience by tomorrow night.

>Joey the Plumber will be gone from our conscience by tomorrow night.


>Wow.. can't wait to see Ace and his cast of thousands in Cinerama Tehnicolor!

I think it's going to be a Cyclorama.

Obama made a BIG mistake. He should have just let it go. Joe just asked a question and O'sbrownshirted cronies beat him up on that. No matter what side you are on, this is wrong. Mr. Wurzelbacher may have just given Mc the election. I can imagine several whites (and a few minorities) thinking "I'd rather go through 4 years of Bush-lite than to be accused of being a klanner every time I disagree with Obama."

Oh please. Obama didn't attack the guy, the press just looked into the guy and it turned out he wasn't who he said he was.

The guy hasn't exactly shied away from the press as he was ready to be interviewed immediately following the debate.

There are the over zealous on both sides. Remember all that happened during the Terry Shiavo controversy?

I think after the elections in November, McCain will be looking for a new job. I dont think he will be able to even maintain his senator job in 2010 when he is up for re-election. Maybe he can be John the plumber? He is such a working class guy and he also does not have a plumber license like the original Joe the plumber.

What I find amusing is the certainty that Joe is a plant because he is (gasp) articulate!
He hasn't even been to Yale!
I know of at least a couple of working stiffs who could have done a better job than Mcfumble did at kicking "The One's" ass in the debates.(metaphorically speaking)

>What I find amusing is the certainty that Joe is a plant...

Yeah, and I loved how Karl Rove somehow directed Obama towards Joe in the crowd. Is there nothing the man can't do?

Oh please. Obama didn't attack the guy, the press just looked into the guy and it turned out he wasn't who he said he was.

Bull, PE.
JW was just playing football with his son in front of his house when O decided to interview him. Joe gave him an answer, O replied like Huey Long, the Reps jumped on it, and the Dems jumped on Joe. And O's brownshirted fans denigrated Joe so bad. This is wrong. How would you feel if McCain interviewed Joe, who challenged him, and it was the REPUBLICANS who looked up his tax liens and questioned his abilities as a plumber? Ya'll would be pissed!!!!

Who cares about Joe the (unlicenced) plumber? How difficult is to see that it was another cheap desperation gimmick of McCain? Give me a break.

>How difficult is to see that it was another cheap desperation gimmick of McCain?

It's "obvious!"

It's "obvious!"

Thank you Barry :-) You are getting up there. If you keep up the good job, maybe I will let you guest blog in my blog when I am out of town.

Rachel, if the tables were switched, that would just be life in America. Frankly, I don't care if Joe is a plumber or not, but, if you put your story out there, your story is going to be investigated.

The press has been this way in all the years I've been alive. They should be reporting on real issues but for the most part they don't.

The press has been this way in all the years I've been alive. They should be reporting on real issues but for the most part they don't.

*That* I agree with you. But then the Dems would be crying out how anti-blue collar the Republicans are.

Here's someone who cares about Joe:

I suspect this issue may be bigger than the leftoid-Dems think (or perhaps more accurately - wish). They can only respond to it by appealing to their base (which is already secure). But their appeal is also heard by the essential swing voters who may be finding it distinctly unappealing.

And speaking of OMG WTF, WTF is America doing with a licence for plumbers? Even we don't have that nonsense here in CCTVUK.

This is the nightmare Terry Gilliam pointed to in his film "Brazil" in which Joe is played by Robert De Niro.

Just more proof of stupid Repugs trying to plant their pathological liars for airtime anywhere they can. Turns out the nitwit would be better off under Obama's plan, so why did he tailor a lie to try and make himself the 1% who might do a little bit better under Grandpa's "free the helpless rich and powerful!" tax plan.

Because he's a stooge, like all morons who vote against their own interests because Rush says so.

"...I don't care if Joe is a plumber or not, but, if you put your story out there, your story is going to be investigated." (PE)


Barack Obama's ties to a slumlord named Tony Rezko, his leading a lawsuit against CitiBank on behalf of an ACORN member Calvin Roberson because CitiBank wasn't offering "enough bad/subprime loans," was fully investigated?

I must've missed that.

One of the few articles I've seen on it was in the NY Post (http://www.nypost.com/seven/09292008/postopinion/opedcolumnists/os_dangerous_pals_131216.htm?page=0), I had to look up the rest of the sordid details on my own.

With the MSM sliming Sarah Palin, "the only non-elititst" in the current Presidential race and now sliming (Samuel Joseph) "Joe the plumber," casts both the MSM and the Liberals in general as pro-elitist and anti-workingclass, which is odd, considering that so few of those Kos Kids are or are going to be stocks and bond traders, while so many of them are or will wind up workingclass non-elites.

There's no doubt the economy has gotten worse over the last two years (the Misery Index has gone steadily up in 2007 and 2008) coinciding with the Democratic takeover of Congress.

Some have blamed Bush's signing on to many Keynesian budget items like the inane and misnamed "stimulus package" earlier this year and the current burgeoning bailout package, and that's, without question, at least PARTLY to blame. Still, Congress controls the federal wallet - tax and economic policy.

That's why Newt Gingrich's Congress was able to cut federal spending over Bill Clinton's objections (the 1995 government shut-down was due to that) and thosew spending cuts are what (1) gave us the LOWEST Misery Index in over 40 years (1998's Misery Index of 6.04 was the lowest since 1956) and (2) delivered those budget surpluses of 2000 and 2001.

The Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, and ABC News reported on the Tony Rezko matter. While he was slow to do so, Barack Obama did go to the Chicago Tribune back in March and answered their questions on the matter.

No, there's no "answering their questions on the matter," when the matter is Barack Obama's possible complicity in a scam that apparently deliberately abused the "re-tooled"/turbo-charged CRA to undermine the housing and mortgage industry.

A young Barack Obama working for a Chicago law firm - Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland (Antonin Rezko was a major client), helped Rezmar (Rezko's company) get more than $43 million in government funding to rehab 15 of their 30 apartment buildings for the poor.

One Sun Times article noted; "For more than five weeks during the brutal winter of 1997, tenants shivered without heat in a government-subsidized apartment building on Chicago's South Side.

"It was just four years after the landlords -- Antoin "Tony” Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru -- had rehabbed the 31-unit building in Englewood with a loan from Chicago taxpayers.

"It was just four years after the landlords -- Antoin "Tony” Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru -- had rehabbed the 31-unit building in Englewood with a loan from Chicago taxpayers.

"Rezko and Mahru couldn't find money to get the heat back on.

"But their company, Rezmar Corp., did come up with $1,000 to give to the political campaign fund of Barack Obama, the newly elected state senator whose district included the unheated building."


Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Rezko's prediliction for making money off whomever is "ripe for the picking."

I repossessed cars for over ten years and dipshits in my own neighborhood often saw ME as "the bad guy," claiming I was "profitting off the poor," merely for doing work that; (1) few people wanted any part of and (2) kept the system working, by keeping deadbeats from getting over.

If Rezmar couldn't find the money to heat their buildings and couldn't use money earmarked for political contributions that "greased the skids," I understand that.

What I don't understand and very much don't like is a shitbird lawyer who'd sue CitiBank (representing Calvin Roberson of ACORN) for not making enough "bad" (subprime) loans."

I'm sure, like most people here, I've always had a profound respect for America's banking industry. I never took out a mortgage with less than 20% down and always within the traditional mortgage lending guidelines.

IF indeed the CRA was re-tooled in such a way as to require independent banks to make bad/subprime loans and engage in what Andy Cuomo called "affirmative action lending," than THAT is a sin against the American system rooted, as it is, in private property rights.

I'd hope you'd agree that THAT kind of abuse of the law (and since Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland WON that case against Citibank) that abuse apparently was illicitlly legitamized is an afront to all freedom-loving Americans.

No PE, if Barack Obama WAS involved in using the turbo-charged CRA to help deadbeats get homes they couldn't really afford, than that's an outrage.

Like I said, I have a lot less of a problem with a guy like Tony Rezko, who merely "did business." At least he wasn't some vile "do-gooder."

I wouldn't even have a problem with ACORN IF they were engaged in a legit scam, that was a "WIN-WIN" for both the scammers AND the banks, but it appears that these people were actually ardent anti-business and anti-private property scumbags, who actually sought to "use the mortgage industry to destroy the mortgage industry," because they felt it was "immoral to make money off of housing."

Those people make the likes of Tony Rezko look like saints!

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