Content warning: NSFW
I can't believe Soobee tagged me with this on a Sunday morning before I've had a shower or even finished my coffee. Oh well, you asked for it. I'll do the humane thing and not tag anyone else.

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I can't believe Soobee tagged me with this on a Sunday morning before I've had a shower or even finished my coffee. Oh well, you asked for it. I'll do the humane thing and not tag anyone else.
Unmasked at last! :D
Posted by: Adam | January 11, 2009 12:16 PM
It could have been worse. My hair strangely behaved even though it hadn't all day. As in I looked vaguely as if I hadn't really let go of the '80s with the teasing of the hair thing, which is strange since I never actually did the '80s teasing of the hair thing.
Posted by: K | January 11, 2009 10:53 PM